Purch Hub, Expand Your Purchasing.
Collaborative Offices
for Travel
We offer collaborative offices for our customers when they are in traveling. These offices are set up and equipped specially for international purchasing, located in Xiamen, Guangzhou, Yiwu, Suzhou, Qingdao, Hefei, Nanchang and more. Collaborative offices will make your travel more comfortable, efficient and decent.
1. Located in industry belts, close to your suppliers
2. Necessary facilities for your work (work place, meeting room, display, zoom etc.)
3. Customized services (assistant, kosher fast food etc.)
Purchasing Office Running
We are expert of purchasing office running and have been in this business for more than 20 years, knowing all processes from setting up to running; knowing how to make processes smooth and efficient, knowing problem-solving. Mainly we handle sourcing, pricing, following up, quality assurance, improvement etc.. 
All projects will be operated by exclusive team to keep your business separated. Meantime, all projects will be added to our purchasing aggregator, to share all of our resources and offices from different cities
Build - Operate - Transfer
Based on our experience in purchasing office running, we can also accept BOT mode according to buyers’ requests. We set up office, build particular team, and run the project for a certain time, then transfer the project and whole team to buyer.
After the transfer, we will continue to provide nanny-style services, including human resources, labor relations, taxation, etc. In this way, you only need to focus on the business, and we help you complete the operation of the non-direct business functions.
 Also, after the transfer, this project still can share our resources including offices in different cities, and use local services they offer.
Purchasing Agent
and Drop Shipping
If you are not planning to set up buying office at present, we may act as your purchasing agent and sharewith you all of our resources. By this way, we will create value for your business, which will be much more than commissions you pay.
We also are able to handle drop shopping for e-commence sellers.