Purch Hub, Expand Your Purchasing.
To Be PH Verified Supplier
For the suppliers who are verified by PurchHub local team, will have priority of recommendation to our buyers and related buying offices. Also, we offer following services to these suppliers.
Links exchange;
New products displaying and promoting on our website;
DM e-mails sent on supplier's behalf;
Oversea market sales agency;
External oversea sales team;
Oversea marketing fulfillment service.
To Be Our Distributor
Register to be our agent, you will get exclusive link and QR code. You may share them to your customers and network. Once they register as buyer via your link and place orders, we will pay you commisions.  
For the project of sourcing, 
QC and agent
You will get commission at 10% of the project service fee of the first full year (from the date buyer registers via your link).
For the project of purchasing
running and BOT
You will get commission at 10% of the project service fee of the first full year (from the date buyer registers via your link).
Project Manager Remote
If you are able to join the team remotely for the project you recommend, you will get additional 10% of the profit of this project. This will be available as long as you are in the team of this project.